Friday, May 8, 2009

For Browns and brookies, We use mostly salted minnows. Towards the mid season starting in late july, we start using more garden worms. My rod is a medium action ugly stick, with a quantum spinning reel. I have an ultra light shakespeare but I find that the ugly stick is actually more sensative. This year, I'm gonna try to find some of the more elusive native rainbows. The owner of a tackle shop near by says that their numbers are up lately.
This will actually be the first year that we break the 300 trout mark in less than 2 months. We're currently up to 296, and I'm going tonight.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, Average Joe trout fisherman, you are anyhting but average! Those are some beautiful trout that you have been catching and my guess is you are well advanced in the skills and knowledge of trout fishing relative to most guys your age. You're just the kind of guy that I would like to have fishing with me. In fact, why don't you come out my way and we will do some salmon and steelhead fishing in Michigan.
    Steelhead / Salmon fanatic in Michigan
